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February 2023 English Children's Books Recommendations

The Reading Corner

Welcome one and all to The Reading Conner! This is our second month of English book recommendations. Each month The Reading Corner will introduce 3 english books for kids age 0 to 10 years of age. February is the month of love! Form Valentines day to showing your family and friends that you love them.

First we have the book called I Love You to the Moon and Back. A very heartwarming book for younger aged children.

  • The story starts off at sun rise, with a how mama bear and her cub spend their day together. A very heartwarming book for younger aged children.

Activity Paring:

  • Love You to the Moon Preschool Valentine Art - paint with glitter, red, pink, or purple onto black paper. Add extras like foam hearts or stickers (Can be found at Daiso or Seria). Cut out a moon shape from yellow paper and glue it on. Let the kids decorate to their hearts content!

Next we have the book called Out of a Jar. This book has a lot of great opportunities to help children recognize and handle many different emotions.

  • Llewelly deals with his feelings simply by putting each one into a jar, rather than facing them. All is well until the jar explodes and spill all of his feelings out into his world.

Activity Paring:

  • Emotion Sort - Sort pictures of children with experiencing different emotions. This will help practice recognizing facial expressions and body language while using English.

Our last book this month is called Grumpy Monkey Valentine Gross-Out. Give kids a different perspective on Valentines day, especially children who have a different cultural background.

  • Jim learns there are different types of valentines and many kinds of love, such as love for a parent or for friends.

Activity Paring:

  • PIECES OF MY HEART - Take a piece of white paper and cut out a heart shape. Draw out 5 puzzle pieces onto the heat. Inside each piece draw or white someone or something that fills your heart with love. People and pets might work out the best, but things that your child really is fond of can also work too. Like toys, characters, and so on.

What book would pare well with your at home library?

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